Cold Laser therapy


Cold Laser therapy


Cold Laser therapy

Laser Therapy or cold laser is a very popular and an effective option for pain management and tissue healing. Cold laser therapy refers to laser therapy which uses low levels of light to stimulate healing in the body. It is referred to as “cold” because it does not heat up body tissues during treatment. This therapy is non-invasive and Pain free and can be used to treat different conditions and areas of the body. It has been shown to help with pain relief, decrease inflammation, increase blood flow, stimulate wound healing, promote tissue regeneration, and diminish scarring.

Our Physiotherapists at Sunstone effectively use Laser therapy to treat patients suffering from a number of conditions, including:

Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid)
Tendonitis (rotator-cuff muscles, tennis elbow, golfer’s wrist)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chronic Pain/Fibromyalgia
Back pain (example: Neck and low back pain, disc herniation)
Sports injuries and ligament, muscle, or tendon strain
Plantar Fasciitis